GoClimb Saved $9,000 Annually On Software Fees & $5,000 On Payment Fees With VenueSumo

Table of contents:
  1. Automated Party Bookings 
  2. Making Food & Beverage Ordering Easier 
  3. Simplifying Waiver Check-ins 
  4. Globally Adjustable Schedules 
  5. Conclusion From GoClimb 
goclimb indoor

GoClimb’s family entertainment center is a hive of activity with multiple session-based attractions and a full-service café.  

We spoke to Center Manager Jessica Giurdanella to learn about how the venue was run before VenueSumo and what the impact has been since switching.

“Prior to VenueSumo we were using Lightspeed POS and ROLLER to manage GoClimb”.

“The biggest challenges we had was running two separate sales systems, slow waiver check-ins and needing to use a spreadsheet to manage our weekly birthday party cycle.” 

“We researched all the venue management software options and decided that VenueSumo not only had the features for our needs, but it is saving us AUD $9,000 in software subscription costs annually – making it a no brainer.  

We were also able to negotiate with our payment provider and integrate that with VenueSumo, which we estimate will save another $5,000 AUD each year in banking fees.”  

Automated Party Bookings 

Managing party bookings has always been a substantial part of GoClimb’s operations and VenueSumo’s party booking automation features are already saving the business signficant time and labour costs each week.  

“Managing party bookings used to eat up five hours every Monday manually adjusting a spreadsheet-based runsheet and following up outstanding party balances. Now, I can get everything sorted in just 30 minutes using VenueSumo’s automated payment reminders function, live party run sheets and built in customer SMS reminders” 

Making Food & Beverage Ordering Easier 

VenueSumo has improved the ordering for food & beverage components for parties.  
“We’ve reduced the time spent on totaling up all the food and beverage items for our parties over a week from four hours to just 45 minutes. ” 

Simplifying Waiver Check-ins 

When your venue has waivers, checking in guests can create bottlenecks in your venues. VenueSumo’s waivers are linked 

“The fact that the software automatically links waivers to ticket holders has saved us from the tedious task of manually searching and linking, which is a huge time saver when the venue is busy with party guests all arriving at the same time.” 

Globally Adjustable Schedules 

The global opening hours feature has also been a significant time saver, reducing the manual effort required to adjust product schedules. 
“The global opening hours feature has been a major time saver, meaning we don’t have to spend hours adjusting schedules for each product.” 

Conclusion From GoClimb 

“The move to VenueSumo has streamlined our operations, saved us countless hours, and allowed us to provide even better service to our guests.”